Very interesting article.........

If you take the 4 minutes out of your “TIME” to read this it could be interesting to you, i stumbled across this after i watched the movie DE JAVU.

think about the fact that stars we look at are millions of light years away. so as we look at the light they produce we are seeing them as they were millions of years ago.

we’re looking at stars but theres no way to know if they’re actually still there or not.

Interesting matt

That IS interesting…is that a validated fact? it makes perfect sense.

Here’s a mind bender. You trap two photons generated at the same exact time from the source of the light, oh so many billions upon billions of light-years away. You direct each of them into a virtually lossless reflective waveguide and direct them into it in a way such that they are naturally in-phase. Take one of them as far away as possible (like placing one on Voyager satellite and sending it off to the end of the known solar system we reside in), then shift the phase of the photon in your container, making sure the measuring devices are synchronized w/r/t time.

Question: Does the other photon know this, and how long does it take to react to the phase shift, if indeed it ever will react to it? Does the existence of the light source extinguishing/turning into a black hole cause a different outcome to this event?