vicks' dogs on the loose

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) – A 40-year-old man was mauled to death by as many as four dogs at the home of Ving Rhames on Friday, authorities said.

The victim, who hasn’t been identified, had worked at the actor’s home for about two years and was responsible for caring for the dogs, said Los Angeles Police officer Sandra Gonzalez.

Four mastiffs were seized by animal services, she said.

Police got a call at 7:15 a.m. from someone reporting a dead body at the home. Gonzalez didn’t know who made the call.

The victim was found on the front lawn, she said.

Rhames, 46, who appeared in “Pulp Fiction” and the “Mission: Impossible” series of films, wasn’t at home when the attack occurred, she said.

man. english mastiffs are fucking HUGE.

:word: Don’t those things get north of 200 pounds?

i’m not very afraid of dogs, but mastiffs scare me.


:word: Don’t those things get north of 200 pounds?


Males can get over 300… Guiness record for largest K9 was an english mastive; something like 325 or 340#s

Why protect your homes with guns when a mastiff will do the job. Or 4.

minglor has like 75943

mastiffs are fing awesome dogs :tup:

Once knew someone with a bull mastiff, neck was like 14" think


minglor has like 75943



Fuckers are huge, and super friendly.

mastiffs are great dogs. Bull mastiff ftw.

Mastiffs shouldn’t scare you… They attacked because there was something wrong with them, maybe they hadn’t been fed in a long time or were being threatened. They would NEVER do that just because.