Victorsmalls Bday

Dave’s bday is Wednesday so anyone up for hanging out Friday night around 8pm down in South Park? I think he’d like to bring the probe out… Anyone interested?

can we go dfrink somewhere instead?

it looks like rain for the next 10 days…

Yuck well maybe next week or something

Or we’ll just see everyone at the BBQ

that’s my bday too. i will be sitting at home cause i have no friends.

im up for anything, happy bday too dave…
am i going to get any special treatment like this for my 21st? :slight_smile:


I’ll meet up if I’m not stuck at work.

we can get a b day cake for all you peeps at the BBQ



so we goin drinking fri then?

thats no way to cut, back to the gym with you! :mrT:

1 day of drinking != 5 days like you


plus i acctually go to the gym. you show up once a week and work a pussy muscle like legs. you walk on them all day everyday… what kind of workout is legs? :kekegay:

Well if anyone does want to hang out, We’ll probably hit up South Park around 8ish

dang, i gotta work friday :frowning:

but, happy bday dave

:sex: happy bday fag. stop by the house afterwards

im at your house and it sucks donkey dick :rolleyes:



your a bitch anyways and left after being here for 30 min. :spank:

thats what happens when you got to be up before 5am and have some “business” to take care off