what to do for my bday?

So my bday is coming up…I have 98.9% male friends. And i dont drink.

Id like to go to dinner, but no where usual.

then go somewhere after, im thinking strip club. I went to elegance last year, it was boring.

Im not a fan of dave and busters…

What do I do?

all she wants to do is dance?

are you singing to me? lol

:beer: and more :beer: , hang out with some :greddy: friends, then:clit: , then:zzz:

Rinse, repeat.

yep. lol

I dont :beer: . and cheecks already said group sex…my friends are large, i am not.

use your imagination. :nono:

:stupid: :smiley:



post nudes on the interweb? :dunno:

Pittsburgh 500?



I’d recomend :bj:

gang bang.

model birthday suit for us

How about you quit worrying about what you can do to please your friends on your birthday? If they were really your friends wouldn’t they be planning something for you? I mean thats sounds logical to me or maybe Im just old fashioned…

its just a day on the calender. people always build up their birthday to only get let down.


Let’s play magic.you be the volunteer