WHat to do for my 23rd Bday

Hey FUckerssSs…

My B-day is next week friday…THe 10th…

I want to go out…
You guys seem like cool people to hang out with, and i want you guys to take me out or meet me somewhere and buy me drinks…lol…
I kinda’ wanted to go out to a club downtown but dont know much about the clubs in that area other than LA LUNA and third room or whatever the hell that place is called…
I usually go out to local bars and shit by myself, and im getting tired of that same o same o…

WHat are the best clubs out there,for a SEXY P.Rican guy like me to go out to, get wasted and of course have a KICK ASS time…

I have an Idea: why dont you all come hang out with me for my b-day…? :gotme:
Now i dont know if i want to go out That friday or Sat night…
WHat do you guys think?

P.S. My spellin’, typing skilLZ are a NooONoO…
fuck it…who cares…lol

[QUOTE=Estorvito]Hey FUckerssSs…

WHat are the best clubs out there,for a SEXY P.Rican guy like me to go out to, get wasted and of course have a KICK ASS time…

Defantly go to the bars listed below. You’ll have a blast.
have fun buddy.

definatley go out on saturday … it’s a more bumpin night out.

Bahhahaha…Is that where U usually go?
YOu suck! lol

i aint buyin you shit

bahahahha… …DONT HATE…lol.


tittie bars is the way to go

yeah But By myself ? lol…
Maybe if i can get a bunch of people to go out with me that night, that would be kick ass…
then again, from what i hear, the ones around the area are garbage…I heard the best spot is in CANADA…hmmmmmmmmmm… interesting…didnt think of that…
IM trying to get Jose and Elian to do something with me that night but then again i dunno if they are going to be able too… They have to ask permission before they go out…NOT GOOD…

so whats good…You down?
Let me know…Im trying to get as many people as i can to go out with me that night…where ? I dunno yet , but we’ll figure it out…