vid: Hot violin girls play system of a down


Holy shit that’s fucking hot.

edit And I can’t stop watching it.

Tits. That is all.

The one chick’s name is Meytal…

Nuff said

Looks fake to me.

something about it is off. :gotme:

Oh you mean the violins…

the one with the brown hair…

:tup: cool

better quality version of the same video.

Miri Ben-Ari … that is all

why do all violin players seem to crazy when they play?

Most female players are like that, i was to lazy to play like that.

those are some badass violins

That’s pretty cool.

There was a string quartet on Britain’s Got Talent called Escala that I think Simon Cowell signed to his label. They were pretty good and hot too!

holy shit, that’s awesome

ugh, the second group is even hotter.

Electric violins are bad ass!

Oh the girls are pretty hot too.

It looked like that to me too, until I found out they were playing electric violins.