Video... Amd is the best Vs Modded N/A Mustang...

Also, just so people know what we are working with…the mustang made over 500whp all motor.

It made 277whp like me!! :rofl

that mustang was pretty trick, 1/2 down the strip he got pretty close to nick’s car =*!

Yeah, he spun pretty bad, i thought we were gonna pit manuver AMD when we hit 3rd gear lol. Almost 1/2 the car was in his lane!

Oh hai :shifty

<—this guy:thumbup:lol

u tube link

I think we should use this

Or this:

I love this for some reason!

youd absoloutely rape me

Ill tell you what… No spray and give me a car or 2 head start frmo a dig seeing as I have shitty tires and open diff and I’ll do it seriously, just for fun…

how about this…

That song is so whored out in youtube car videos :rofl

Ill give ya that. 2 cars and the jump.

I’ll just leave that there

:rofl That or Jizzed in my PAnts for the fast cars:lol

Let me know whens good for you… I gotta pick up an MBC … then ill be good to go…

I’d like to keep it on the lay low as cop are out in full force and not everyone needs to see hwo bad you rape me

Im not running till my exhaust is on, so whenever that is. With any luck it’ll be next weekend. And we’ll def wait till like 2-3am

Sounds good im not picking it up till next week anyways providing jim still has it

This in an instrumental would be pretty sick:

Been done…we need some all that remains