Video: Fat Baby

How does this happen? How does a baby get that big? That kid can’t be any older than what 3/4?


America is fucked

Welcome to West Virginia.

yah, im mind boggled as well.

What the fuck is it doing on the couch? Trying to get up the momentum to roll off and hopefully stop in front of the fridge?

I don’t even

stumped I am

:crackup:rofl:haha:lmao:lol:Di fucking dieeeeed loling when that fat fuck took a faceplant, im sorry but im stilllll loling

Couch must be reinforced.

why is it still wearing a diaper?

dude your not the only asshole that laughed. I pretty much copied the pudgy bastard when he face plated out of my computer chair.

He just layed there too, then got kicked by the one ogre on the right.

This will be that kid in 16yrs

When he falls over and just lays there I almost piss my pants laughing.

Ahahahaha fat shit. Someone make that into a GIF.

america wasting away as we know it… fat kids and hideous girls. what the fuck

LOL at 1:30 when fatbaby face plants and camera shakes like a 4.5 on the richter scale!

i died

looks like hes rocking back and forth just trying to breathe.