does he want to line them up?
Haha i love that you have that pic saved on lock down.
Lol at the announcer calling the Evo a Subaru.
yep he would love to . And when mine gets going in a few days i will too .
sooo aare you guys coming out this friday?
is it supposed to be shitty ? my car wont be done by then , but he might go out or id go with him . Depends on the weather mostly .
well if its going to be shitty I wont be out on my bald ass mickeys thats for sure.
I have yet to run another ls1 modded similar to mine. It would be pretty cool to see the difference.
I’m here for the gang bang.
for the stang bang
I may have got pics of that firehawk too.
If this Camaro has VT plates it was my friends car, he said he went there this past weekend.
Lies, you have no friends.
it did , i saw him run and in the staging lanes
damn trucks are bad. why even buy a ford lightning? or srt10 pshhh
any pics of the hawk to post up .
I think I may have got 1. PC is being gay though. I’ll get em up
Anyone knows specs on the Porsche or how it ran?
Low 12’s. Turbod.
I was thinking 12.3 at like 113