Vids - 5/10, MclarenGP action

People meeting after Lvd?

I pulled him by less than a car to 120… and laduke went 113. So the gp is in that range


Fuck your street racing. I have papers to write.



racing on route 9 under traffic lights is badass.

He blew up. Car went 14’s at 104


Yeah, has to be super badass because I have a handful of videos of you in my archive racing in the same exact location about 1.5yrs ago.

Pete says 107. I think it was 104. But the turds sitting in the dark in the lot:

pre or post blow up?

Made one pass.

I can’t watch the vids at work but I like this car! Sounds like a good run for the 2hunj!

that thing hadddd to have been shot beforehand. no way it was a 104 or 107 whatever car last night. Probably why it was running so hard lol

well he did something with the bov so he probably put too many washers in it or something and made too much boost or some shit

It’s probably not even broke, charge pipes blow off sometimes…

and that was the last time I did that.

and dont be fucking dumb. Everyone knows route 9 is just the dumbest place in the 518 to run.

cars alwayssssssss run the best before they puke !!!

Went 107, then I :rofl’d

Why is it the dumbest place in the 518 to run? If it was 5 o clock traffic then yah I would agree. Its no worse than running on the North way.


last time I checked there are no stop lights, parking lots, side roads ,etc on the northway

Oh really? Do you not know how to slow your car down? If you don’t then please don’t fucking race because your going to kill someone no matter where you do it. If your racing late at night… all the businesses are closed and there are about 99% less cars. Its not like people are doing 160 on rt nine… they raced to like 120. Whoopee pickle smokinsssss