Vids - 5/10, MclarenGP action

popped errr. headgaskets no biggie, dont worry shell be back soon.

your a fucking moron. A complete fucking idiot.

What happens when your grandmother makes a late night run to walmart and she is at a yielding stop light, and two yahoo’s come blasting through and kill her?

Im saying its other people that are unaware of whats going on.

Yeah well, my grandmother likes taking the highway late at night to head to the store…what happens when some retard smashes into her because he can’t keep his car straight? or can’t slow his tank down in time while shes merging.

Who’s the fucking moron?

Street racing is dangerous and illegal no matter where you do it. End of that discussion.

no need to argue here… street racing is dangerous wherever it takes place. hence the legal issues…

Joey pretty much covered… Smokin, you lose.

You know, he grew up as a little shitspark from the old shitflint and then he turned into a shitbonfire and driven by the winds of his monumental ignorance he turned into a raging shitfirestorm.

Joey’s back to stir up shit lol. Welcome back bud.

kept my car straight all these years, and now this year it stays perfectly straight as im sure you will find out sometime this year.

I guess were both fucking morons then.

On top of wanting to do 20 rolls where the speed limit is 65 and having to basically stop traffic (considering there is still a decent amount of traffic at all hours).

Realistically anyone who street races is dumb. I may be one of them from time to time. Location is irrelevant.


great minds thinking alike once again :ponder:retardclap

It’s called stunting for a reason, because EVENTUALLY, shit’s going to turn out bad

Hope not… I guess the plus side is that if something does go wrong with my car, there is no fucking way I’m surviving.

why did it pop the gaskets?? and it popped BOTH of em?

yea welcome back!

Racing is always dangerous, but naturally there are spots that are better to do it at, which eliminate some variables. I thouroughly believe that running 40-140(or whatever for that case) on a stretch of highway with no traffic on it, with no turnoffs/ramps is much safer than doing the same race where there appears to be no one on a main road.

1.There are side streets damn near everywhere.
2.There are houses, and sidewalks. Pedestrians are out on main roads, no so much on the highway.
3, The highway was designed for higher speeds(obviously), so there arent AS many random heaves in the road, or dips, potholes etc that could potentially throw ya at high speed.

you’re gay

probably a 113 car . thing looks like it moves out . I miss my honduh =(

Didnt this car already prove last summer that it is pretty quick? Or am I thinking of another old GP with a big turbo :lol

Why do you have a car thats not yours as your avatar?