Viper guys are cool


Dude you are a serious tool arent you. Get the fuck over it. Give me a blower on a viper i will eat it alive. Not to mention his setup will cost a fortune and i will still own it. My stupid pos runs bottom tens just shy of 140mph. 190mph no i dont really do outrageousley stupid shit i keep it on the track. As far as whatever you are trying to prove about money hahahaha i could by a viper right now without even taking a loan ohhhhhh snap. But i think things like a house and investments are more important. You amaze me in defending the viper the way you do. What do you think you need to prove. They are not a good car for racing on any type of budget sorry its a fact. Blah blah blower this whatever hahahah ok ill go build a 100k car that will run 10s great we are so proud hahahaha.


HAHHAHA…you seem to forget that the world record holder for the 1/4 is a viper. 7.92 I believe? Once again…I dont give a shit of your Bill Gates suck-off boy and make $1000 per hours. Go try to impress someone else.