Viper guys are cool

This thread is so fucking lame.

Yeah some viper drivers are douch bags, but guess what? They’d be douch bags even if they were behind the wheel of a Festiva.

If you say you aren’t a douche bag because of your car or say that someone is a douche bag because of their car, better check the mirror.


another winner - thank you for AGAIN proving us right lol!

I’ll tell you straight up I would never want a viper more than my car. AS A CAR.

Certainly I’d rather have a free viper than a free STi, all though i’d have it for as long as it took me to sell it and get to the subaru dealer.


Thank you for proving me right. Your the first bonehead. Stop trying to justify why you just LOOOOOVE your car more than anyone elses. It’s only a car…move the fuck on… No one gives a shit about you or your car. Move on.

i would say that a good portion of people on this board could afford a viper. How is it a status symbol?

How many STi/Evo owners are there on here? Most of them could probably afford a viper. I could probably get 2 if i really felt like it. This is just to reinforce the josh’s comment about “how is it a rich car?”. Viper owners aren’t rich douchebags, a lot of them are just douchebags.

BTW, lotus guys are even worse about thinking that their car is fucking leet and a huge status symbol. Anyone making 40K+ can afford one, so long as they don’t have a baller house and a family.



Thank you for proving me right. Your the first bonehead. Stop trying to justify why you just LOOOOOVE your car more than anyone elses. It’s only a car…move the fuck on… No one gives a shit about you or your car. Move on.


hahahahaha, I am not justifying why I love my car, I am quoting you meathead viper owners constantly proving to us that you think because you bought a viper your dick got bigger.


i would say that a good portion of people on this board could afford a viper. How is it a status symbol?


Good for them. Cars are not status symbols. No one cares how much money you make and what you have.

idk. seems to me a lot of people, particularly dan, were trying to make it out as one.

this thread is really funny. I remember the time when someone here took a picture of Paul 2000 lambo…and the thread turned into several pages why the car looked ugly, wasnt worth the $$$ and how Paul was a douche bag…and no one even knew this man. Sort of what is happening here. Coincidence? I think not.


this thread is really funny. I remember the time when someone here took a picture of Paul 2000 lambo…and the thread turned into several pages why the car looked ugly, wasnt worth the $$$ and how Paul was a douche bag…and no one even knew this man. Sort of what is happening here. Coincidence? I think not.


nope this is not at all the same, what happened in your example is people blinding calling him a douchebag.

what is happening here is you guys are coming on and proving you are douchebags.


nope this is not at all the same, what happened in your example is people blinding calling him a douchebag.

what is happening here is you guys are coming on and proving you are douchebags.


Someone needs to count to 10.

What does any of this have to do with you?
Some viper owner rape your mom and forced you to watch?

When is Marcus a DB to anyone?

Except you…


what is happening here is you guys are coming on and proving you are douchebags.


“You Guys”? Who the fuck began this thread? Dont fucking judge people you have never met or spoken too yourself in person.


Has your car EVER seen 190mph? Mine has. You guys make me laugh…most of you claim how you beat this car, and how you beat that car, and how a 450-500 STOCK car isn’t fast. Truth is, you have so many fucking mods, yes, I am sure most cars are slower after you connect the bottle, or double the size of your turbos. Truth is, Stock for stock the Z06’s, Vipers and F-Bodies will beat most of your cars. Mod for Mod, Z06’s, vipers and fbodies will beat your cars. Stick a blower on a v10 and see what you get. Now, on to the money comments. Driving a viper, lambo, Audi, BMW…of course there will be shit talkers. Most of my friends buy cars to drive and enjoy, not to impress any of you boneheads that each time try to justify why a car is too expensive and not worth the funds…because you simply cant afford it yourself! I see this all the time. This entire thread was based on some jackass that posted some shit on the viper forum, edited his story and waaaaa:cry: the viper guys are mean to me…Fuck him and all the stereotypes.


Dude you are a serious tool arent you. Get the fuck over it. Give me a blower on a viper i will eat it alive. Not to mention his setup will cost a fortune and i will still own it. My stupid pos runs bottom tens just shy of 140mph. 190mph no i dont really do outrageousley stupid shit i keep it on the track. As far as whatever you are trying to prove about money hahahaha i could by a viper right now without even taking a loan ohhhhhh snap. But i think things like a house and investments are more important. You amaze me in defending the viper the way you do. What do you think you need to prove. They are not a good car for racing on any type of budget sorry its a fact. Blah blah blower this whatever hahahah ok ill go build a 100k car that will run 10s great we are so proud hahahaha.


When is Marcus a DB to anyone?

Except you…


you haven’t been here enough to see some of the shit


Someone needs to count to 10.

What does any of this have to do with you?
Some viper owner rape your mom and forced you to watch?

When is Marcus a DB to anyone?

Except you…



Marcus is a DB to almost everyone in almost every post he has on here???

This thread has nothing to do with anyone on this forum, all we did was comment on how the people on a viper forum talked down to someone with a “cheaper” car. It escalated from there, follow the thread, it’s easy.


“You Guys”? Who the fuck began this thread? Dont fucking judge people you have never met or spoken too yourself in person.


Sorry, I will clarify, “You Guys” is referring to the two people that own Vipers posting in this thread.

i’ve never met dan, but marcus is an alright dude in person.

i’m sure people say the same about me.

Dan is a great guy in person and marcus might be as well. But this guy feels a need to try to say vipers are kind shit anytime someone says otherwise.


Dude you are a serious tool arent you. Get the fuck over it. Give me a blower on a viper i will eat it alive. Not to mention his setup will cost a fortune and i will still own it. My stupid pos runs bottom tens just shy of 140mph. 190mph no i dont really do outrageousley stupid shit i keep it on the track. As far as whatever you are trying to prove about money hahahaha i could by a viper right now without even taking a loan ohhhhhh snap. But i think things like a house and investments are more important. You amaze me in defending the viper the way you do. What do you think you need to prove. They are not a good car for racing on any type of budget sorry its a fact. Blah blah blower this whatever hahahah ok ill go build a 100k car that will run 10s great we are so proud hahahaha.


HAHHAHA…you seem to forget that the world record holder for the 1/4 is a viper. 7.92 I believe? Once again…I dont give a shit of your Bill Gates suck-off boy and make $1000 per hours. Go try to impress someone else.



Marcus is a DB to almost everyone in almost every post he has on here???

This thread has nothing to do with anyone on this forum, all we did was comment on how the people on a viper forum talked down to someone with a “cheaper” car. It escalated from there, follow the thread, it’s easy.

Sorry, I will clarify, “You Guys” is referring to the two people that own Vipers posting in this thread.


I guess I just never said anything to piss Marcus off to say shit about me!

And maybe you should of left it on that forum, and never brought it here.

There is a reason that this is nyspeed, and not some viper forum.
Now you are involved in a :gay3:

After this is all locked up, then what?