Viper guys are cool



[quote=“Final GTS,post:53,topic:36317"”]

I still dont see how thats bragging, but OK. Whatever makes you feel better…?


what makes me feel better is calling you out as a hypocrite. see below. So somehow… money wasn’t an issue and you didn’t bring up how other peoples possessions? to me, the LS1 comment is just retarded especially when trying to prove the reason why this thread was even posted. You’re trying to defend why people are being obvious douche bags on another forum. You’re fulfilling this same stereotype.

[quote=“Final GTS,post:13,topic:36317"”]

I think the funniest thing though is that there is quite a few guys on VA that could buy EVERY SINGLE LS1 on the other website… for fun.


[quote=“Final GTS,post:34,topic:36317"”]

… Murci, Diablo, 360, 430… fuck even their CGT, Enzo and S7. Every single one of those cars is accounted for on VA… some of them many times over.



Please. This shit is the same on EVERY single car-specific forum. It’s no different there.

Sure, a majority of Viper pricks think they are sweet and own exotics. But, its no different than the ‘blind’ Honda boys who think FWD, tin-cans are actually cool.



But in the end :whogives:

Meh in the end its just fucking cars get over it…

psychopjv, the firehawk, and myself pulled into the gas station this year. some metro guy was asking pat about the cars, then starts laughing, saying his viper would “roast” our cars. haha i bet.

finalgts, you down for a race once you’re turbo’d? :slight_smile:

Pat and Choko beat a Viper the other day…and the owner was really cool and chatted with them…



Pat and Choko beat a Viper the other day…and the owner was really cool and chatted with them…



im not saying all viper owners are tools… my nieghbor/best friends dad/my “2nd” dad has one. but hes a cool guy and doesnt think he’s sweet becuase he has one. hes loaded, but doesnt flaunt it. its the owners who love to flaunt their money that are tool bags. like brandensi said, every car group has one

There are also a large number of rich people who could buy all the cars on LS1tech…Who don’t give a fuck about cars…


They drive there 7 series stock BMW…and are fine…


You know what’s classy?

Shutting the fuck up about what you own.



[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:64,topic:36317"”]

finalgts, you down for a race once you’re turbo’d? :slight_smile:


Havent I answered this question 12876235238989898623462139 times by now?


Fuck, I’ll race you on the blower first, I dont care.

And as I also already told you, I am not racing you from a dig. Call me a ricer or whatever you want, but I am not building my car to go from a dig. I have far too much fun in the turns for a setup like that, and I really dont feel like investing in another set of wheels.


You know what’s classy?

Shutting the fuck up about what you own.



[quote=“Final GTS,post:69,topic:36317"”]

Havent I answered this question 12876235238989898623462139 times by now?


Fuck, I’ll race you on the blower first, I dont care.

And as I also already told you, I am not racing you from a dig. Call me a ricer or whatever you want, but I am not building my car to go from a dig. I have far too much fun in the turns for a setup like that, and I really dont feel like investing in another set of wheels.


i just like busting your balls…
roll is fine


You know what’s classy?

Shutting the fuck up about what you own.


Good call.

[quote=“Final GTS,post:69,topic:36317"”]

Havent I answered this question 12876235238989898623462139 times by now?


Fuck, I’ll race you on the blower first, I dont care.

And as I also already told you, I am not racing you from a dig. Call me a ricer or whatever you want, but I am not building my car to go from a dig. I have far too much fun in the turns for a setup like that, and I really dont feel like investing in another set of wheels.


Vipers can’t turn

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:66,topic:36317"”]

im not saying all viper owners are tools… my nieghbor/best friends dad/my “2nd” dad has one. but hes a cool guy and doesnt think he’s sweet becuase he has one. hes loaded, but doesnt flaunt it. its the owners who love to flaunt their money that are tool bags. like brandensi said, every car group has one


is that the guy that your dad took his car to duffs? the orange dodge

There is a viper in the parking lot at the french pub all the time is Plate says “too bo ku” It makes me lol even though the guy is probably full of himself

LOL at the people that hate on vipers like they arent pimp ass shit. Im just saying for the dollar they dont go fast in a straight line ON A RESPECTABLE BUDGET. Marcus you always say that but lol my car is worth like 17k on its best day a 80k viper needs many mods to keep up. Shit it would need about the same mods i have. But whatever i would hand my car over for a stock viper and be slow.

ok… this is response to newmans comment to being cheaper than a camry, and i was just curious to see what they were going for on ebay… well then i find this

'02 viper gts final edition acr

now i dont know too much bout the acr package but i assumed it was a performance/appearance package… well then the pic of the window sticker popped up…

apparently he paid 10k bucks for the competition group, which gave him suspension, 18’’ wheels, radio delete, ac delete, and new air cleaner… for 10K !

then if you look further down the options, he pays 1100 bucks for the ac and radio to be put back in ??? lol

granted im sure the acr package itself cost the 10k, but in reality you could probably get a shit ton more performace with your 10k you spent on having shit pulled out, just to put it back in

and yes i know its a collecters and thats why he probably did it


LOL at the people that hate on vipers like they arent pimp ass shit. Im just saying for the dollar they dont go fast in a straight line ON A RESPECTABLE BUDGET. Marcus you always say that but lol my car is worth like 17k on its best day a 80k viper needs many mods to keep up. Shit it would need about the same mods i have. But whatever i would hand my car over for a stock viper and be slow.


yea, but that is why your car is a piece of shit (according to viper owners) lol


Im just saying for the dollar they dont go fast in a straight line


Has your car EVER seen 190mph? Mine has. You guys make me laugh…most of you claim how you beat this car, and how you beat that car, and how a 450-500 STOCK car isn’t fast. Truth is, you have so many fucking mods, yes, I am sure most cars are slower after you connect the bottle, or double the size of your turbos. Truth is, Stock for stock the Z06’s, Vipers and F-Bodies will beat most of your cars. Mod for Mod, Z06’s, vipers and fbodies will beat your cars. Stick a blower on a v10 and see what you get. Now, on to the money comments. Driving a viper, lambo, Audi, BMW…of course there will be shit talkers. Most of my friends buy cars to drive and enjoy, not to impress any of you boneheads that each time try to justify why a car is too expensive and not worth the funds…because you simply cant afford it yourself! I see this all the time. This entire thread was based on some jackass that posted some shit on the viper forum, edited his story and waaaaa:cry: the viper guys are mean to me…Fuck him and all the stereotypes.


Most of my friends buy cars to drive and enjoy, not to impress any of you boneheads that each time try to justify why a car is too expensive and not worth the funds…because you simply cant afford it yourself! I see this all the time. This entire thread was based on some jackass that posted some shit on the viper forum, edited his story and waaaaa:cry: the viper guys are mean to me…Fuck him and all the stereotypes.


another winner - thank you for AGAIN proving us right lol!

I’ll tell you straight up I would never want a viper more than my car. AS A CAR.

Certainly I’d rather have a free viper than a free STi, all though i’d have it for as long as it took me to sell it and get to the subaru dealer.