Twice in one night

I know this ^^ wasn’t directed towards me, but anyhow… after years of riding with a renewed permit every year, I finally took the course instead of just going to test for the license.
It should be mandatory, and not only do I find a parking lot every few weeks and practice some of the stuff learned in the course, I plan to take it at the beginning of every year to make sure my skills are there for the start of every riding season.
I’ve seen some complete idiot moves on a bike by people who may have ridden a while but really have no clue. Sometimes even something so simple as which 1/3 of your lane to choose depending on the situation.
As for being in neutral at stops… if it’s an extended light and someone is already stopped behind me, I go neutral. I hate holding the clutch in.
Anyhow, I wish the course were required.