Voluntary Bans?

you will just waste your time on some other forum, surfing ebay, or playing some NES emu like i do.

What if I pinky swear?

I CAN SEE IT NOW… (fades off into a calm forest scene)

PSA “Addicted to NYSPEED”

NySpeed user “YES!, but but but how did you know!”

PSA “your banishment caused you to rack you phone bill up 563 dollars more then usual!”

NySpeed user “SO!!!???, thats my business! not yours asshat!”

PSA “all calls were made to Newman”

I ran out of material, any thoughts?

my thoughts:

you’re a nut-hugger

I’ll take a day, just because.


if you want a ban, why not just do something to get banned… like post up links to tubgirl in the technical section or something. :shrug:

There you go nick. :tup:

Oh, I see.

hidden links to tubrgirl/lemonparty ftw

fuck, no editting in this subforum

on a side note, anyone ever see the aftermath pic of TUBGIRL, it might be worse than the first pic

Fuck. Looks like I’ve got to take the banstick in for service again.

Anyhow. There’s a self-ban built in to the forum. It’s labeled “Log Out”

The bonus is that there is a self-unban function built in. It’s called “Log In”


Alright… we’ll give that a shot.

Otherwise its going to be lemonparty.org in the heesey fo sheezy

Self control perhaps?

I’m addicted to browsing forums at work, but when stuff needs to get done, I get it done.

Ahem, I thought it is our god-given right as Americans to blame others for our problems?

does he have to ask himself now?

that’s quite a juxtaposition

When is Beck’s voluntary ban getting lifted?


I just want free $ for eating at Duffs or Warehouse.

tell me when & where.