VOTE NOW Worst post of the month! February - VOTE NOW

Because it’s not that hard to use spell check?

Because those of us with IQ’s not in the double digits are tired of the headaches caused by constantly seeing words like “very” spelled “vary”, “brake” substituted with “break” and the word “seen” misused 99% of the time?

Because it’s a way to add some chlorine to the gene pool around here?

Take your pick. They’re all good.

Member: Nikuk

Reason: He even edited it afterward so that it couldn’t be linked to. Newman saved the day with the original however.

Member: pipedreams96

Reason: Self explanatory.

damn you!

I un-deleted that just so I could post it here. He tried to be quick and hide it away but I caught it.

I’m so glad I could be of assistance. Who else wants to fess up? You know I’ll get it out of ya!

edit- who is that chump anyways?

reason, its an internet forum, not everyone uses firefox, its an internet forum, and do you say every letter of each word you say when you speak?

No you say the word and people understand it. As long as its close its good enough for a car forum, this isnt an english forum.

give jays a 3day ban, he needs it.

OO’s instead of 00’s on numbers has been bothering me. maybe its just me, but it’s really fucking annoying.

this one wins imo

Member: My01celica

Reason: Calling out a “noob” when he has 67 posts, horrible grammar, supporting A-rod, the biggest douche in baseball, for “admitting” something that the press already found out, and finally, STERIODS.

LOL. what exactly did he try and do there with Red Sox?

l0l s0rry, this better? What’s even m0re ann0ying is p0sting fr0m a ph0ne using t9w0rd. ps: i’ll try t0 use m0re zer0s f0r y0u fr0m n0w 0n… <3

i would prefer that better, 3OO looks so fat n dumb…lol

I nominate: JEG.

Reasons: Lack of reading comprehension, grasp of a situation, overall WAT factor.

what Joe said… even this was sad for JEG

Yep. I third this nomination.

If its annoying to post from a phone using T9, then turn T9 the fuck off, you jong.

I nominate

User: Turbofreak
Link :
Reason : seriously wow

even so, 3OO is not more of a word in t9 than 300 so i dont get his reasoning lol…

O’s are easy to type in T9, 0’s you have to hold the key or swap to it being set for numbers if you’re typing quickly.

yeah but hes already holding down the 1st number lol, it’s just laziness on his part