Monthly "worst post" contest?

In an attempt to possibly reduce the grammatical holocaust that has become NYSpeed because of the latest influx of new members I was thinking that a little publicity and “reward” might help.

For example, start a “worst post” nomination thread for February. Have members quote their nominee instead of linking to the post so the nominee isn’t able to edit. On March 1st take the submissions, turn them into a poll and the nominee receiving the most votes gets a short term ban. If a nominee manages to win a subsequent month the ban gets much longer.

For the month of February I vote:

This thread :mamoru:

lol… it will never happen

I nominate:


you cant nominate when we dont even have a adverse decision on even if we can have this

I nominate this. WAT?

joke post?

lol ya

I doubt it.


Lets give it a whirl! Winner could achieve victory via poor grammer, lack of class, general stupidity, etc.


isn’t that what a high school diploma is???

I like it.

Suggestions: Start a new thread.

Official - February 09 Worst post nominations.

When making a nomination you are to only post:
Member Name
Link to post
Quote of post.
SHORT explanation for recommendation as needed.

Close thread 3/1
Vote for 3 days?
Ban for 3 days?
Two consecutive wins - 5 day ban
Three in a row - 2 week ban


edit, fry beat me. lol

Yeah, I’ll avoid work at all costs lately.

I like it, but can we NOT include the bike subforum? We can’t seem to keep on topic or relevant in any of our threads, but we like it that way lol. Consider us Puerto Rico…we just kinda float around the forum leeching off of you guys.

People CONTRIBUTING to threads outside of Offtopic will be considered for an pardon.