Vote to ban tdi_logik

We understand Tourette’s Guy videos are hilarious and his sayings make you crack up every time you watch them, but posting them in every thread, reply after reply for no reason is getting very annoying.

Those in favor give :up:up



you could’ve just asked me to stop if it was awfully annoying…

I’m on the fence, they are funny when used appropriately (ie they make sense in the context of the thread), but he is doing it quite a bit :rofl

That being said, the last time I gave a shit, I got fucked.



i think a ban might act as a reality check. hes constant posting of useless banter isnt adding to threads in a positive or moving manner. hes acting like the Tourettes guy in his avatar. its not even remotely humorous



ban 2.

or 3

or w/e


thanks for the imput.

sooo that meets the requirements? 3 vote = ban?!

gotta be 3 in a row.

ready ban 1

ban 2


do it up.

combo breakerrr


no problem young man

now if only mods could ban…

ban :slight_smile: