PSA from The Admin

Message from the admin:

If you don’t stop swearing for the sake of it, and highlighting and bullshitting in the threads, I will start banning you for every damn reference to the guy you make.

I’m sick and tired of seeing it in every thread, relevant or not, especially with you highlighting and making it “in your face” bigger font.

You’ve been warned.

Shit gets old.


What the fuck?

Tourette’s guy quotes are no longer allowed, per vlad.

You do overuse them.

If you were in my house and kept yelling out t guy quotes, in red capital text no less, I would probably kick you out after ~3 minutes.

Less Than Zero.

Just letting you know.

Ok thanks… we got it

I can feel the tears of KBB from over here.

Are you done?


shits about to go down


leaves thread

throws feces


in da pool

alpine if you get banned again you got youre new login to fall back on, specialkid,
i do get a good laugh outta most your posts though
why so serious shift

waits for redevil to come buy deez fuckin axles

Yeah! That ReD guy is a jerk.


Tonight… you.