Vote to ban tdi_logik

how do we not have that smiley anymore.

Easy I’m still hung over you dick head


Is not fucking nono.

That’s idiots.


is nono.

you suckh singh.

Unless you are planning on having singh ban said retard make a new smiley thread

no way man

I’m going to fart in your booth and barricade the door so you can not exit it

Wouldn’t be the first time.

i think answering posts with pictures is perfectly acceptable

That’s cool and all but has absolutely nothing to do with the thread.

sooo what the bloody blue fuck are you talking about??



i suppose, they SHOULD be on topic and not way outta left field. thats what i meant

I say ban… but you also have to ban chris the one with a K00L K0bALt

Seriously though, you cant use tourettes guy quotes because they dont make any fucking sense

I think this will clear everything up

Also, just found my new favorite tourettes guy quote. “I could sing a better song than these guys with one cheek tied behind my balls”

ban leo to

+1 :up:up

I like “go count your DICK” better lol

Best is…

“Whos the faggot with the tuba? (THATS OUR DAD!)…ahhh SHIIIIT”

“I’d like to see you try to walk a mile in my SHIT!”

you can suck my DICK. or COCK