VR4 > I35

On my way to work this morning, I’m at a traffic light with my A/C crankin’ (I don’t want to get my hair as messed up for work) listening to some Opie and Anthony. Girl pulls up in an Infiniti I35. Looks young, but kinda busted and looked like she was one of those long island sluts. Had a UB tag, so she most likely was from the Long Island.

So my car is idling all F’ed up because of the A/C. So I hold the revs at 2k.

About 1/2 mile past the light, I have to merge onto the highway.

She looks over at me as the turning signal turns green… then proceeds to grab the steering wheel with both hands all tense, and gives me this stare again, and looks up, staring at the light.

So I am thinking “Is she really trying to race me?”

So I bring the revs up to like 5500 and the light turns green immediately after that. Sllllllliiiiipp DUMP all 4 are spinning for a bit pull almost 2 cars out of the hole. Her tires are sqqqquealing hard. I shift early fall out of boost, she pulls a car back on me. Boost builds and I pull another 2 cars and some off of her. hit 6400 start to studder, shift.

I had my blinker on the whole time, just pulled into her lane in front of her by a bunch of carlengths, and merged on the highway.

She follows me onto the highway, taking the twisties pretty nicely. Gunned it in 3rd to merge she follows merges right behind me. I let off for a sec, see her get into the middle lane, she pulls up and gives me a “rock out” headbang.


Then she speeds off and I put the cruise on.

fun times at 9AM in the morn

That thing is kinda quick for what it is, then I remembered I had my a/c on…

:slight_smile: lol, awesome.

good run.

a/c compressor turns off when you floor it, at least in my ride.

I believe this is the case with Mitsubishi as well.

Sweet run though…

Ha ha ha

funny thing is i didn’t floor it, if i did i probably would have lost… :bloated:


Smoking them 15 sec cars :tup:

:lol: killer


That is how it is in almost any car for the past 10+ years. :tup: