vtak crossover accident

didn’t put the harnesses on for the vtak crossover y0!


…ROFFL like no joke

did you hear the vtak kick in? lol

LMAO i cud barely stop laffin to write this msg

it would’ve been funnier if they put a sound clip of a misshift right before the hamster fell. lol

Or a picture of Kenny Tran popping into the background with the “MY v-tech just kick in bro” caption! :LOL

LMFAO that was hilarious…

Now I have people in the cafeteria looking at me weird cause I bursted out laughing

hahaha, poor little hamster forgot to put on his harnesses

i probably woke my mom up last night cuz i cudnt stop laffin at this

ahah yeah some here … ****ing hiliariois

i dont see how it was that funny to laught your a** off.
i found it funny but only for a split second, nothing to wake up anyone from sleeping.

ive had hamsters…a million of them…so i dunno…i just find it really funny

I believe your sense of humour is not in working condition. :wink: