VW experts...

I’m curious, Could this really be a 10 second car?


yea look how small that is. Have you seen the black supercharged rabbit at PRP? It doesnt run 10’s but close enough, well, we will see what it runs now minus the supercharger and plus a big ass turbo like this golf…


definitely could run 10’s… sailor and habes run the 2.0 16V Turbo setup as well



yeah… so the motor is good for some power… the turbos is big and mismatched, but i guess who knows… just ask for a timeslip.

if it does, its only because it has DSM parts on it.

possible for a vw, yes, possible for that one, id say no. Being it has ny plates, i think i would have known about this car if it did run 10’s. im thinking it is a wishful thinker. although the fact the tranny is “fresh” may show the fact they are stripping the fuck out of gears/syncros… yet no hp numbers or timeslips, if ur selling a car based on performance that is usually key.

hp wise, 350 to 500 whp has been getting these cars into 10’s, pending weight… on other hand, 250 whp is getting a extremely bare bones all motor corrado into 10’s too…

give me about a day, and ill have more info on this particualr car.

yeah sailor but that car appears to be a sportFWD/turbo4 car which means it must retain interior. the turbo is definatly good for a 10 second car with ease


what does it retaining front seats, dash, and no door cards and a piece of carpet have to do w/ what i said? all that shit may weigh 100-150lbs???

the turbo is there though, but seeing he is on factory rods, i dont see him winding the motor out to far, which he would have to do to keep this turbo in a good power band. as i dont see shifting at even 7k making the power when that turbo will pull probably toward 8500/9k range on that motor.

other thing is, i dont see this car on any of the top 25 vw lists, which gets updated by the gtr guys who are out of ny nj. so im sure they would know this car and would have updated shit.

not writign it off yet, but just find it skeptical.

be rad-- when is habs doing joe’s turbo setup on his black rabbit? or is ese going to try and do it now? I know haberer was suppose to do it, but figuring he works crazy hours, he dont have much time.

your right but that is what full throttle shift is for. it will stay spooled and pulling with that easily

most of the sport FWD honda’s are goin to 9k tops and that isn’t that high for a honda motor really

turbo is ball bearing so it will spool generally quickly for the size. Point is just cause it isn’t on a web site doesn’t mean it isn’t real.

im leaning more toward the guy street races the car more than tracks it, so no known times…

Seen this Rabbit at the strip district last night. Can you say sleeper!?!?!?! :cool:


9K is way more that a vw will pull on a stock motor till
that’s the point…

that turbo isn’t really a true DBB system as most of those bigger ones tend to only have the back side be ball bearing and the front is always journal bearing…also that is a precision turbo which is just GT wheels in journal bearing cartriges…rather skeptical of that car…

be-rad: It was neat and loud, that black rabbit, but wasn’t fast: 14.8 @ 90 … we’ll c what happens with the new parts!

I was @ the track with him…I know his times

Thats it from last night, Still faster than the normal rabbit though. kinda sleeper:cool:

I think a legitimate case can be made if that car will run 10s. For one it has a turbo that can make the power necessary and it also has the fuel. Keep in mind that if he was maxing out those 1600cc he would have absolutely no problem making 10 second kind of power. Theres a vw shop right up the street that has a full interior golf with a smaller turbo and less fuel cracking 11s or so i’m told. So I believe its possible. You’d be surprised how many people stay off the net about their cars. Not everyone is going to broadcast what they’ve done.

I have been saying that for years, The “Barn Builders” :cool:

my penis runs in the 8’s NA

this car went 11.50’s, no one has seen it run quicker… will know more

i understand that, and i also know from 1st hand experience what it takes money and part/time wise to build these cars. there are not to many 16v vw’s in the 10’s-- maybe 7 nation wide, and then another 2 in the 9’s, and a good amount more in the 11’s. thats why i have my doubts.