Wagon Attack

Fun video for old school Civic Wagon Owners…
Eat this Ken Block, Sti and Evo…LOL.

i would have no problem driving that lol


And I never knew they made a 4wd civic wagon.

Gorgeous video. Ugly little wagon.

Did that 4WD swap in a 90 EF hatch, was pretty bad ass.

Cinematography was great! I’ll take a clapped out Legacy SS or Impreza though.

haha like this!

So I picked my daughter up from daycare the other day in the wagon, and while driving home the motor put a rod through the block. Time to build a motor.



I felt like I was watching a snowboarding video… AND I LOVED IT… Minuis points for the acting but plus points for the bumper flag and the dream catcher lol.

Very cool :tup:

sweet little ugly wagon!! lol

reminds me of this hatch which is converted to the wagons drivetrain

A girl I worked with in high school had a Wagavan. I always lol’ed. It was so ugly and had such a funny name.

I had a huge smile the entire time I watched this. Too good.

My friend’s parents had a sky blue one. God it was ugly.

these are soooo ugly

also, iirc it comes with a i4 8v, one of the very few 8v 4 cyl car motors honda made

No, the RT4wd came with the d16a6, 16 valve, 4cyl.
The I4, 8 valve motor could be found in the Crx Hf.

What was cool about this is that it was a Civic Wagon, which you never see doing this.
Scooby’s are already expected to do this.:slight_smile:

^ Oh yeah, no disrespect intended. I honestly never knew they even made something like that. Any little POS that you can nab for a G and can take that kinda deliberate abuse is okay in my book.

My mother use to have one of these, awesome little things.

Awesome car, fantastic video…

i kinda want it…

I had a good laugh at this, my friend owns one of these bad boys and hes the exact same way with it lol

looks like a fun rally-x car

Even the “Making of” video was interesting to watch.