
No subaru wagons?
what chassis is that? lol
Not a real website, i looked it up.
just slapping up some goGgle images.
Well let me help you out then
Back to the shitty family xmas party. Thank sweet 6’8oz baby jesus for this Jim Beam.
mmm AWD Wagon, what could be more practical? fuel efficient, yep. good in the snow, Yep, hauls alot, yep. and is cool, yep.
think my next car is going to be a wagon, probably Audi
It’s BMWfaqs.com lol, I was just being a jerk cuz it looks like “fags” and they’re all pictures of wagons.
I love me a nice dropped wagon though, they look sick when done right :tup:
love the wagon
I’d drive a V70 R, but I think that’s about it…
Ugh i’ve been all about the wagons lately.
Dre your wagon is indeed BOSS.
now that is boss
strech sucks so badly, subie wagons are boss tho
damn, y’all tryina say my shit ain’t boss? tear
yeah your shit is more like associate :roflpicard: