wanna race

yeah im the one with bad boys always on hand for the cops and dont bad mouth niel diamond, hes the jewish elvis

my mammas name just happens to be sweet caroline

my mom goes to all his concerts in the area

beside that you could have the batmobile if you cant drive for shit it dont matter

theres a batmobile corvette in guilderland

what yall think about micheal jackson anyways

he was a child molester

yeah i see that thing at hannaford somtimes and laugh my ass off

nah man he just liked kids and people were tryin to get money from him

its not normal for a man to sleep with kids

i dont picture mike goin behind closed doors with kids and shit i picture like pajamma party and chaparones

still weird

Ed McMahon wasnt from the Price Is Right. Thats Bob Barker.

I think you should die, hows that??

ban 4. Brett, get to WORK

Why do you morons give in to posts like these is what I would like to know.


this prolly is trav… :Idiots

nah its not, his responses are too clever to be failvis

Tell ya what tard bag… I’ll run you this friday. Bring your title and a grand.

its ok adam I got this…you listen here shithead and you listen here good, we don’t need another toolbag running around these parts and ruining a good site… ask cameo and failvis…yah better make a few more appearance’s with this “fast 6000” or whatever the fuck it is that you trailer trash folks be driving these days…you are the reason for the phrase “white trash”…go deliver your newspaper in g-ma’s pontiac while listening to eminem with your distorted wal-mart subs and knockoff amp…