Wanna set a Lambo on fire? Here's how!


What you’re looking at is the extinguished engine bay of a Lamborghini Gallardo that caught fire outside the Portland Auto Show yesterday. Supercars sometimes burst into flames unexpectedly, but this was no random accident. This was the work of complete idiots.

There’s a reason fire marshals don’t allow cars onto the show floor if they’ve got more than a quarter-tank of fuel inside their tanks. It’s because it’s a fire hazard. This particular Gallardo had more than the allotted fuel and thus was in need of a gasoline reduction. Perfect excuse to drive it, right? Wrong.

The way they decided to reduce the amount of fuel, according to Motor Authority, is so ridiculous it’s almost unbelievable.

Instead of figuring a way to extract the fuel from the tank, taking it for a quick 50-mile spin, or just swapping it for another Gallardo, the display staff decided it'd be a good idea to just sit in the car and rev it to redline in neutral. Not so good for the car, but, in a pinch, excusable—perhaps.

The person behind the wheel soon grew tired of the limiter-popping, however, and decided to automate the process with a piece of wood lodged between the seat and the gas pedal.

It was just a matter of time, then, before the poor thing overheated and burst into flames. Perhaps they can work this into the next season of Portlandia.

Source: http://jalopnik.com/5879619/this-is-the-dumbest-way-to-set-a-lamborghini-on-fire

Wow idiots.

thats what you get from engineers (no pun intended) and rocket scientists.

THanks man. Display staff. b/c your an anal bugfuck about everything and b/c you got $$ and your never wrong.

Neg rep. That’s what you get for not making sense.

EDIT: WOOT, back in the red.

What the fuck is up with all you ignorant cocksuckers always bringing up me having money? Please explain how that has ANY effect on what I am posting. Oh, wait, it doesn’t and you just bring it up out of jealousy? Ok. Go fuck yourself.

I’m never wrong? I can go find posts where I openly admit I am wrong. It’s not my fault that you’re just never right.

And let me guess, you edited your post that you made in which I quoted for your “comeback” simply so I couldn’t neg rep you again? Loser.

dude, ever since you got $$ you turned into a cocky prick, you know everything and everything. you might as well be brett. several people have mentioned it. and ever since you got a hardon about my signature, you and jvg have been kicking me in the balls every chance you get. jealus, fuck no i’d rather have both my eyes and be a tool than be a stuckup knowitall prick with $$…If i had $$$ i’d be a little more humble about it. oh wait, you dont know what my finiancial’s look like do yah? you sir, GO FUCK YOURSELF. IF you can’t find the hole, look in the mirror.

Dude s.t.f.u cossey is a great guy . Don’t start your shit dude really . It’s gonna help u at all .

Oh man, excellent comeback with well thought out points. I should give you an A on your research.

  1. You knew me before I had money? No? Neither did anyone who says that money made me more of a douche. I was a d-bag before hand, ask anyone who knows me from before and after. Know it all? No, just know more than you.
  2. If you didn’t post so much stupidity, people wouldn’t get on your back about it.
  3. You brought up money here smart one, and I never said you were a broke scumbag, did I? No? Stop making yourself look like such an ignorant chode whistler who is simply jealous.

Maybe one day I will be as clever as you. I could only hope to be as good as a thinker that you think you are.

Thank you sir. You too, are a great dude.

Silveradoman I gave u a mod infraction , do not insult a chaertor defect again . That is not cool at all .

Cossey is just as much of a dick today as he was like 5-6 years ago the first time I met him when he worked at advance.

regardless I still like cossey as he is a good dude.

Thank you.

Even though you called me a dick. :rofl


I wish someone had invented an affordable fuel extracting device that is readily available for the general public.

oh wait…[ame]http://www.amazon.com/Emergency-Siphon-Bulb-Pump-Gasoline/dp/B003NY1WF2[/ame]

Whoever thought of used up the gas in the tank by revving it should be shot. :rofl

Cossey is a good dude!!!

Who knew a lambo on fire would cause a fire in here! XD

everything causes a fire in here.