Wanna set a Lambo on fire? Here's how!

Oh man, excellent comeback with well thought out points. I should give you an A on your research.

  1. You knew me before I had money? No? Neither did anyone who says that money made me more of a douche. I was a d-bag before hand, ask anyone who knows me from before and after. Know it all? No, just know more than you.
  2. If you didn’t post so much stupidity, people wouldn’t get on your back about it.
  3. You brought up money here smart one, and I never said you were a broke scumbag, did I? No? Stop making yourself look like such an ignorant chode whistler who is simply jealous.

Maybe one day I will be as clever as you. I could only hope to be as good as a thinker that you think you are.