Wannabe racers @ Dunville (or.... more BS than your nose can stand)

Understandable, I never said i was faster than Joe, nor do I care whos faster… i dont get why people keep saying that. I bring alot of things upon myself, but I dont take shit from anyone; period. Yea this is the internet and people can say what they want behind the screen, with me its what you see is what you get; I’m not putting on a facad. Everyone thats met me knows I’m a cool dude, but my friends know I have a temper and its unavoidable when I get heated. Yea you and I are cool now and I’m sure if I knew Joe in person I would think hes alright too, I dont know him and I’m only seeing a fraction of his persona; your right tho I need to let shit go.

Point taken

Mommy’s been telling me for years :smash2: haha