Want to Borrow

My pc took a shit again, was wondering if anyone had a PS and a AGP vid card so i can do some testing. I want to rule out those before i buy a new MB. Memtested memory already, at least thats good.

I know someone who has both sitting around

I might have an old AGP Radeon 8500 that you could keep for all I care, I’ll check when I get home if you don’t get something else by then

thanks guys, i have no idea what the issue is with this pos, im thinking its my MB, but i want to make sure.

what size PS do you need? I def have a video card you can borrow, and depending on the size of PS i have that too

ur comp always takes a shit.

ill see if i have anything around the house

i think i have a ps laying around

god i need a computer too damn it. everybody i talked to said im pretty much SOL with my internal power jack, and im going to need a new MB. ughgughuhguhguhguhuhguhuhguhguhguhguhguh

fucking computers

gl kev

Kev, I got both if you want to stop over and pick it up.

do an upgrade its cheap as shit i just upgraded to a duel core and a new MB costed me 130 with next day off new egg

^^ was that to me? im computer dumb, but that’s not bad

no just anyone lol

shh, my pc is powerful enough, dont need an upgrade if i can fix it myself, unless your wealthy and buying it for me

shut it, this is something i didnt do to it myself, lol

just something to test to see if mine is bad is all, regular molex is fine, no need for sata power connectors, as my drives take both

its either mayonase or manase, take your pick.

you fuckin perv.

all fixed, was a bad cable.