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I’m hoping to start piecing together a new computer soon, mainly used for gaming (WoW & others). Is what i have picked out good or overkill?

I’m going to use an ATI 9800pro, the harddrives, and sound card from my current computer, but the new parts i’m thinking of getting are:






Not overkill, it is pretty similar to what I selected for my new setup.

noting is overkill. bc instead of it being outdated in 4 months it will be 8 months

How do you plan to use a AGP 9800 pro in a motherboard that only has a PCI-E slot and no AGP? :wink:

motherboard…overpriced & useless features like crossfire…pathetic
Processor…same as mine.Great for gaming.

I bought this board last year because it has both AGP and PCI-E,has never crashed or given me problems and is made by ASUS.Fantastic board with a great price.Its also expandable to the new AM2 processors that just came out.

:tup: thats what i was looking for, if i made any errors. If i switch to that board, then everything will work together right?

I would grab a PCI-E card if you have the funds/ambition for it.

Its the new wave dood, surfs up.

thats a hot mobo.

EDIT: nevermind

thats a video card? I might have the funds for it, my xmas bonus is usually $1000 and what i have specced now comes to like $750

That 9800 pro is pretty outdated by now, I’d definitely look into a PCI-E card. What games do you plan on playing?

play Wow mainly, i try out other games but never really stick with them. Just got Rise of Legends which seems pretty cool.

That case is a waste, you’re spending as much on that sa you are the processor.

Personally with a 630w PSU thats going to be spewing heat like a pornstar throws ropes, look for a case with the mount on the bottom with dedicated cooling to that, the proc and vid card. your 3 sources of heat.

i like the case, looks cool and a bunch of fans.

Make sure you use stand offs when you put the mobo in…I just had someone bring one in and goes “This is my 3rd mother board and the computer won’t turn on” they have been screwing the mobo directly in to the case.

Personally, I like Nvidia cards over ATI.

BWAHAHA what?! he cant be serious.


Seriously? Wow. Stupid people. Where do you work?

And back to the original topic, you may want to wait a few weeks as the DX10 cards are just coming out which means all other video cards will drop in price. Oh and definitely go PCI-E.

agreed here…rock a nice nvidia. mine is personally slightly outdated at the moment being a 6600gt but it does fine in COD2 and CS:S.

love my 6600gt :slight_smile:

Im an ATI/Amd guy personally.

Does it really matter? I don’t think so.

Both, well all 4, have nice stuff out there.

I just had a bad nvidia experience once, and that was it for me.