vid card experts

right now i’m running an ATI 9800 PRO 128MB in my comp

just a few days ago I bought(for my second comp)

ATI 9200, now the auction says 256MB but I can only find online that they made 128MB ones? anyone clear this up?

second question is which one would be better to run in my main gaming comp?

a buddy of mine wasn’t sure in saying that the 9800 would be better

9800 pro all day long, the 9200 is only a 128 and has a MUCH slower GPU. get real card(s). Dual FX 3400’s in SLI mode FTW mother fuckers :pimp:

yes well for only $20 for a band new card, its not too bad

and plus i had to buy a new MB too cause i fried one of mine

was just trying to decide what vid card to use in my main gaming comp, the second comp will get the 9200 then :slight_smile:

my computers are all outdated and need major upgrades hahah, but at least they run the game I play just fine for what it is

AMD 1.5
1.25GB RAM
9800 pro 128mb

celeron 1.7
9200 128mb

P4 1.6
512mb ram
geforce4 mx440 64mb

the funny thing is that my P4 comp runs the game pretty dam good with the grafics turned town almost all the way

the other two will run it without any problems, and everything turned up

wasnt it a 9700 pro?

at any rate… it’ll blow the 9200 out of the water IMO :slight_smile:

every card mention here is faster than 9200 except the mx 440.

yea thats what i figured, just making sure

looking for another box? i have a 2.3 ghz AMD, good MB water cooled, and i have the water block for your 9800 too… could make a nice rig with it all, ill let it go for REAL cheap too!

The 9200 is a turd of a GFX card,its based on the radeon 8500 which is one old ass card.The 9800 pro blows it out of the water and its even a great card with alot more left in it,meaning the rest of your system is a bottleneck for it.It would be a total waste of money to buy a better AGP card because almost everything is PCI-E now.

I know pci-e is that way to go, i’m not a computer newb, just have been out of the loop for about a year so not totally caught up on the times

yea my systems are old, but they do what i need them to