F.S. ATi Radeon 9700 pro

Just replaced it with a Geforce 7800GS card… I don’t want to upgrade my CPU or Mobo anytime soon as it’s good enough for a while IMO, so I decided to buy a high end AGP vid card and call it a day.

This ATi card has been great… 128meg AGP

runs Doom 3 @ 1280x1024, ultra quality without even breaking a sweat
TES: Oblivion (min-medium settings… bloom enabled) at 15-25fps
Prey… almost there with Doom 3 (the “glow” shader that Prey uses makes it work a little harder, but not too much)
Lost coast, again, ran great
COD:2… great

it’s a few years old, but back in the day, it was king of the hill


make an offer

If no intrest, I’ll just keep it for a second computer. Comes with a Thermaltake heatsink/aux fan

can it support dual monitors? if so, 40.

yes it does, it has 1 VGA, 1 DVI (I believe… it’s the white 12pin connector on the back of the card, so you’d have to get an adaptor or have a monitor that uses dvi) and 1 svideo out. I was hoping for a little more than 40 but if I get no other offers by the time I get out of work today, it’s yours :slight_smile:

bump for a nice card,

how much did you get the 7800gs for?

i just went from a 9800 pro to a x850 pro, nice upgrade :slight_smile:

lol you don’t want to know :D… paid way more than I should have, but thats what I get for being impatient. It’s a rocket though… oblivion brings it to it’s knees if you try pushing it too hard (more so in the super high resolution range) but for the most part… no complaints what so ever. Overclocks very nice too

haha yea my x850 pro does pretty good and I got it really cheap, i put an arctic cooler on it and now its a decent overclocker too :slight_smile: runs oblivion faster than 7800’s too… according to tomshardware at least

yeah, I actually had my eye on one of those (and the GTO card), but wanted the shader model 3.0 support. It limited me to the geforce 6-7 series and the ATi x1X00 cards (and AGP style) so figured it was the most worth my while for the time being.

I don’t know why ATi didn’t include it on those cards… it sucks too because I’d take an ati card over nvidia anyday (ATi ftw)

yea idk why they didn’t put it in there… oh well, i’m happy with the effects without it… plus is an agp system it can’t be that fast to run many games with HDR and everything cranked… yea picked up my X850 pro for 139 shipped off ati’s site when they had clearance a few weeks ago :slight_smile: 3dmark03 went from 5700 to ~12000 :smiley:

Dude,you should upgrade your board/proc now,prices are really cheap.

Im going to order that.

I have this board here which has both AGP and PCI-E,made by asus. :tup:

Word. Prices came down a bit. I just spent a grand and got something that will handle everything thrown at it without flinching one bit. If you plan on upgrading the processor I would say go with the 4400+. Asus makes an absurd number of great Mobos that will work with that processor, but I opted for the A8R32-MVP Deluxe.