Rate my rig

Tom’s Hardware just published a great article on best video card for $x, with several different budget levels. Too bad he put it out about three days too late for me. :gotme:

That Mobo is insane, I got it for my new comp. The RAM is solid… I’d vouch for a Quality ATi Card, though. I’ve had the same issue with 9800’s from day 1: I gamed way too much and the fans on the 9800 were horrible. I’ve gone through 4 or 5 of them. I’m on an x1900 right now and nothing will stop it. Solid 160 frames a second in CS:S, I played WOW for a tiny bit but it was absolutely lag free. I’d recommend the same card, or bump down to an x1800 256MB.

Vouch Toms Hardware, great fucking site.

First thing I did on my 9700 pro was replace the stock cooling, got one of these bad boys and never had a problem (except with getting it to fit)

About a B-…

nothing wrong with a crossfire/SLi setup… especially if using one of the GPU’s for physics

That Mobo is insane, I got it for my new comp. The RAM is solid… I’d vouch for a Quality ATi Card, though. I’ve had the same issue with 9800’s from day 1: I gamed way too much and the fans on the 9800 were horrible. I’ve gone through 4 or 5 of them. I’m on an x1900 right now and nothing will stop it. Solid 160 frames a second in CS:S, I played WOW for a tiny bit but it was absolutely lag free. I’d recommend the same card, or bump down to an x1800 256MB.

:tup: I’m more of an ATi guy, but I <3 my nvidia (I think it was just nvidia’s whole “FX” series that really turned me off to them). at any rate, you shouldnt need anything too crazy to run what you listed. And like someone else mentioned… gpu prices are dropping and once dx10 hits the market, you’ll see them go real cheep :tup: