Want to see the interest? *hooters

I dunno man. all the hooters Ive been to for all you can eat had full parking lots and a line out the door

ill go


You motherfuckers KNOW i’m down!!!

I never said it was wednesday anyways lol

Wayne will show his tits


They are not doing all you can eat wing nights according to our waitress. Stopped in today with capitalcrew and SRTBEAST


Hooters > Bumfuckers any day!

I went to go after work, line to get In was almost a mile long!

How are the girls looking? Nothing could be worse than the lineup of trash at the old hooters in crossgates

if you need help setting things up with manager let me know it’s basicl what i do for team solo on a daily basis

I know a couple of them and they are HOT

There weren’t bad at crossgates, I have seen way way worse, plus a few of them were my friends

Oh ok cool and yeah I will PM you if I need help

actually i went there tonight, and even with a fully packed house and 20 minute line to get in there was plenty of extra parking spots. think we’ll be good

I’m down

fuck cars, so tired of looking at your cars… this part and that part and i never drive it blah blah blah

lets check out some fucking beer and TITS MOTHER FUCKERS !

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You want beer/wings and tits go to Mousetrap then to Night moves.

I always thought Hooters food was subpar, but it’s been awhile. Course it’s the new thing and everyone is all amped up about it.

i want fried pickles and big ass titties in my face while i’m eating too!!! OM NOM NOM

fuckin amen!

I like my truck. I hate my car. P{JB