Want to see the interest? *hooters

just got off the phone with the manager…he says i cant bring the sled, looks like im not coming out:banghead

how about you just get a fucking car worth bringing out then you wont look like a jackass calling managers asking if you can bring a fucking snowmobile to a car meet in the middle of summer?

just a thought


:rofl:rofl:rofl Drew with the kill.

repping you for this.

easy killer…i didn’t really call it was a joke…b/c sometimes people like to crack a joke at themselves??

You had to expect that, I had a good laugh at the initial post and Drew’s reply.

Well we can never tell with you silveradosledinthesummerman

you called out cars with a sled…

after that, nothing is a joke.

your car is a joke…your driving is a joke…my sled actually ran what it should have on motor…get your car to do the same and we’ll talk

who cares what a sled runs

i guess when you hve a 1,000 hp s2000 that cant get it to the ground nothing matters does it?

ok corkey

You think you can just climb in the ring with Ali because you think you can box?

lol k buddy.

ive got slips yo…unlike many others on this site

and what did your sled run? 9’s like you said it would?

Again who cars about a sled!

Hooters sucks shit. So many better places to go

watch what you say to the sledman

your car sucks and so does your driving…