wanted: kitten

yeah. i want a kitten. anyone got one?

Be a MAN!!..get a chiwawa…

stfu. If everyone made a new thread everytime they wanted a pussy howie would be whoring himself on the side to pay for bandwidth (more so than he is already).

Just grab one off the streets.:tup:

there was a guy on ubrf givin a whole litter away for free

weiner cat for the win.

my friend’s got 3 kittens… for free of course because no one likes cats.

i like cats

they make good dog food

and i like running them over. i hate when i don’t kill it though, then i have to run it over again to make sure it’s dead.

i guess that makes me a man:rofl: :biglaugh:

mor einfo elclipse girl. its not for me. i hate cats i think they are sneaky drama queens. although i would consider a weiner cat…

i :heart: my kitten :slight_smile:

cept when it licks my hands when i sleep…

:eek: :gay2:

what do ya wanna know? they are kittens. want pics or something? he’s got them.

phone number location…

my girlfriend actally wanted me to post a thread on here seeing if naybody is looking for cats…

she works at lancaster small animal hospital, what are you looking for…like a specific age? max age you would accept…?

i might be interested in getting one too. id only want a kitten though. id have to check with the roomate, but pm me the info kristen.

Get a russian blue or himalayan.

man the only CAT i would ever have in MY HOUSE would be a lion or a tiger, even if it kills me.:rofl:

now a puppy thats what am taking about :roll:

get a real long cat