WANTED*** Steel I-beams to build automotive jig table

Yes, two of them but they’re only the bases frames with the drilled plate decks. Some of the main backstops and clamp points are on them, but until I get the frames finalized I cannot do much more to them. One for the single up the other is for the other chassis. Probably weight just under a ton each and had to use the wrecker to transport them up to the storage unit where they’re currently sitting until I need them(this spring likely :slight_smile: )

But seriously if Mike is looking to build a table he needs to rethink his ideas of what a table is meant for. If it’s not perfectly square and doesn’t stay square, then there’s absolutely no point in even wasting the time and money on the steel. As big as those 3-4" beams are, they can still move. Hang ten feet of a nominal length off an enge and tell me it doesn’t drop. Might as well just do the work off jackstands. Not trying to blow up his thread, just don’t want to see him go the wrong route.