there were two MILFS at mad mex last night who stripped and molested an old man, please be on the look out and be careful. if you see them please call me,:3some:

ill prdob see one of them today… and youll more then likely see the other one today. good luck on that… you are a lucky man

they’re both in my bed sleeping me off!:3some::3some: :lickmahpu :lickmahpu :boink :idb: :kiss: :bj: :cuddle: :hitit: :hitit: :hitit: :bukkake: :69: :69:

are you still sleeping??? cause you must be dreaming!!!

MILFS are the best:kekegay:

nope, but i bet ur MILF is!(or is it MIDF):boink :eek3: :blue:


how late were you at mad mex last night?

11:30ish there was at least 20-30 of us from 7pm till ???

Hmm, MILF, it’s what’s for dinner.

