I like to keep a certain level of productivity…
you can always go up…but going down can lead to problems…
I like to keep a certain level of productivity…
you can always go up…but going down can lead to problems…
YAY!! due to budget cuts I will not be getting a raise But the people on the same tier less time probably will be getting that raise… so we can have a more equal pay, experience on the job means nothing apparently
sand bagger
says the pot.
No way… evolve has it right. Once you set your expectation you look like a cock sucker if you don’t meet them all the time
says the cock sucker.
says the butt pirate
holy tangent
says the nazi mod
says the evil elitest
says the nazi mod
Meh, there are nicer buildings, architecturally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit Dubai someday. Says the nazi mod.
only Noodz of Jen will bring this thread back on-topic
Meh, there are nicer buildings, architecturally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit Dubai someday. Says the nazi mod.
says luhfanguhs
Your fiance changed her name to Jen?
no no no, i always tell new people that it is a spanish word…