Warning. Rant inside.

Father screams and threatens to kick daughter out.

Daughter gathers all her shit and stuffs as much as she can into RSX.

Father blocks RSX in the driveway and tells her “You’re not going anywhere.”

And just for fun, whips a full bottle of sierra mist at her, misses, and almost hits mother.

Does any of this make sense to you???



Well this should go well…

In for pics of the trailer.

ANNNND fail.

quoted for editing.

:awdrifter: :loopie: :picsorstfu: :zong: :pedo:


But, no, it doesn’t make sense. I’m sure it was just a threat to get you to change whatever you were doing that they didn’t like.

ummm you havent latched onto some random NYspeeders sack?
ummmmmmmmmmmm think for yourself for a second

realize thinking is scary

make a drastic move

, regret, enjoy!!!

Doesn’t he know daddy issues…even as little as these lead to a career in stripping???

meh, there are nicer buildings, architecurally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit Dubai someday.

He did it because he pays the insurance and paid for the car.

Sierra Mist was to calm you down,is he just supposed to stand there and let you gouge his eyes out?

i think you should just hing out with billy more :gotme: he will fix all… and come to my house when he asks next time…

/ team4door rant…

but really hing out with billy more he will fix all…




you know that very well huh?


He doesn’t pay for shit. I pay rent. I pay all my own bills. He wouldn’t even cosign for me. He charged me for postage when I asked him to mail my taxes.

I just don’t understand the whole threaten kick you out then not let you leave deal.

dad talks tough trys to impose dominance on you to get you to do as he sees…unexpectedly you do the opposite and dont grovel causing him desperation so thus he blocks you in…in an attempt to regain dominance…sorry to hear jen im sure it will get better

So do you think I should just leave anyway? I would be gone already if it wasn’t for my mom…He treats me like I don’t even live here. I pay him his rent and keep my mouth shut and he treats me like I owe him the world.

If you really want to leave I’m sure he isn’t there to block the driveway 24/7.

Due to his failing business because of lack of people skills, he works out of our garage now…