ban TaylorA.69? I say let the public decide.

i haven’t been so ready to pass out torches and lead the mob in a long time. But she messed with the j-bait thread she’s gotta go…

Im withholding my vote for now. Pending on nudez.


Link to banstickable offense?


you may have a point. i think we have better odds of another member having them hidden somewhere and posting them though


Meh, reviewed the thread, bannable content not found.

But if we can get noodz out of this somehow. BANIFY!

I don’t care if they’re nudes of her or nudes of anyone… but posting in the Jailbait thread without adding to it is worth her immediate deletion!

I keep looking and it just infurates me… so much white blank space on that last page!

lol wtf

She’s a girl. Girls on nyspeed self-ban within 8 hours anyways.

I’ve been here for 3 years. ha.

^^hahah cool .

I suppose it’s easier when you average one post every 6 months. :mamoru:


I used to be on a lot more. Well, on the barf. Then I was too cheap to pay for the internet for the last 2 years. But yeah…at least I know to stay out of the jailbait thread :wink:

:insecuren00b: Before my time. :stuck_out_tongue:

even then i do remember you and no one had anything bad to say

I’m a self-proclaimed OT whore. But I still know my place on a forum with a bunch of guys. LoL.


hahaha I thought that was a troll