
Hey everyone, my name is Bailey. I know no one probably really cares bc there are a million posts like this one but I just thought I should introduce myself.

I am a girl. Yes, thats right. A girl on car forums. What brings me here? I just like cars I guess hehe. Especially my Taurus, she’s the best :slight_smile:

Cant wait to meet and talk with all of you!

Get ready for some e-humping.


What brings you to NYSpeed?

Are we cranky today? Or just fearing the direction this thread will be heading in 3 2 1…


post some pics sweet cheeks



You will probably be eraped. Welcome to the forum. People like me like you’re car.It makes me lots of money.

Well I like cars…wanna learn more about cars…meet some people with some cool cars haha. ya know :wink:

e-raped? e-humping? huh?
maybe ill post some pics later…

Sorry in advanced for the countless number of immature comments you’re going to see.

The bike crew is cool tho :slight_smile:


what’s with all the female trolls lately ??

If you don’t want be verbally assaulted or humped do not post pics. It would make you look like you want attention… Also if this is you’re idea of a dating service you should leave. If you really want to learn about cars welcome.

thats what im sayin

That Sarah girl is legit, this one I’m on the fence about


ok thanks for letting me know! :slight_smile:

uh whats that mean? you havent even seen a pic of me how can you possibly refer to me as a troll?

most definitely like 15 or a troll.

im pretty sure her username is clitoris…

I’m 18.

post a non nude pic and well explain