Where abouts is eastbumfuck, NY? How much do you pay in rent, compared to how much you make each month?
Make sure you can afford to actually get an apartment before leaving… and also know where you are compared to where you are going.
Where abouts is eastbumfuck, NY? How much do you pay in rent, compared to how much you make each month?
Make sure you can afford to actually get an apartment before leaving… and also know where you are compared to where you are going.
What is “hing?”
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
Akron…I would like to move out but probably cannot afford it right now, so I would have to stay with my sister for a while. I pay $80 a month, which most likely covers the cost of everything I use because I’m NEVER home as it is. I don’t even eat their food. I leave in the morning for work and come home at 3 am. If I moved out towards civilization, however, I would be saving TONS of money on gas.
Sounds like you’re making excuses to stay. The guy has to sleep sometime.
EDIT: :lol: @ $80/month being “rent”.
So you’re 19, driving an Acura and basically living at home for free (when you account for food, heat, electric, water, phone, internet and laundry). Is the car on your own insurance or riding on a the parents policy?
Basically, I’d love to hear dear old dad’s side of this story. Either way, I’m out. Try not to end up on Jerry.
True. Just makes things more difficult.
$80 bucks a month is a pretty good deal to dodge sierra mist bottles. Plus, doesn’t sound like you’re there much.
jen I have a room for rent 375 month
or we can work out a free room :gotme:
:lol: @ custom title
lol I have a room for rent as well.
i have a room as well. $80 a month, and a daily knob job.
shall I draw up the lease?
Well If you would have just sucked his dick when he asked there would be no problem.
Go dorm at college?
Suck his dick at college?
I can’t wait for a few years to pass where your daddy issues lead to a low self esteem and you walk around car meets giving blowjobs for rides in fast cars.
+1 for dad.
so wrong but so funny
I make parts for the American working man, cause that’s who I am, and that’s who I care about.