that looks way too clean… totally not trashy enough.
Put some black mascara on and that looks like amy winehouse.
You should see the trashyness going on under the dress though…
does her VJ look like a hog farm?
lol nice pictures.
didnt actually give any one any karma but ok couldnt care any less about the karma shit anyways.
for the beating up, i said her brother because clearly i would do it myself but thats his little sister you just fucked with. everyone knows what happens when you fuck with family.
and yes i did graduate from high school. im also about to graduate from college, just have one elective to finish up this semester.
fuck that reply just nose dived the drama
can you please edit and just say something like “fuck you”
this come to mind
so you guys like to talk so much shit. out of all you guys talking about my gf being trashy and everything else. lets see what your fucking these days besides the tail pipe of your car.
you move to WV where it’s legal?
much better :bigclap:
I’m fucking dex, willybeen, Ilcisdead and skunk…
They’re all hotter than your girlfriend
Inbreeding ftw.
English major I take it?
so hands down your just saying your gay. thank you for telling everyone
:lol: awesome.
As noted in my city people rant thread, I fuck sheep that I do not have
Ugh I wish I had 4 dicks… then I could fuck all my exhaust tips at once
He isn’t gay… he’s passionate and… sooo dreamy
Please stop misusing ‘YOUR’.
told everyone before i really dont care how my grammar is. im talking on the phone with people. i have more to worry about at my job than what im typing on a forum but ok!