Was he racing or not?Silverado>740il

Was nothing against your truck or your real estate.:wink: Just some newb laughing about pwning a 75k luxo car in a chevy truck.

Now Iā€™m a noob?



just for clarification the only reason i thought it was funny was because according to fuzzy, the guy in the bimmer was being a dueschebag, as far as i can read from the story, he didnt set the cruise at 55 while sipping a mocha latte on the way to the opera when a truck came out of nowhere and did a flyby.

the guy in the bimmer was provocating and was the aggressor and its not outlandish to think that a truck of similar weight and power with intake exhaust and gears couldnt at least hang with a 7 series, especially if he wasnt going 100%

thats with the 4.8, not the 5.3

OOps sorry bout that.:slight_smile:
It was def. an ā€˜ilā€™ tho so I guess would have to be a 00 or older.If the 4.8 ran stock 16.0,I would think I should be around 15.5.I checked the 1/4 mile times of 95 740ilā€™s and it said 15.9/16.0.
Should be safe to say I would get the nod in a very close race.
Still couldnā€™t Justify paying $100K on a new 7 series tho.

I disagree with the idea that someone driving a BMW doesnā€™t mind that his car can be beaten by a Chebby, or some other (in his eyes) POS. How do I know they mind? Because a lot of them have tried to race me, and a lot of them have lost!!! And they didnā€™t look any too happy about it.

Wow, some good reasoning right there! Somehow I think it was more along the lines of ā€œWhat the hell is this asshole doing /grumpy BMW driverā€ How do I know? Because I think the same thing half the time I get some idiot running hard next to me when all Iā€™m trying to do is maintain speed at a spirited pace in the bimmer.

LOL yeah same thing when I have the Vette out
Ya have to figure tho I was already in a hurry shifting at around 4,500, And my truck is pretty loud and I see him catching up to me,he must have had it floored.How many ppl do you know that flat out floor it coming out of the tolls?
Get on it yes,but not 7,000 RPMā€™s.I figure he was just planning on blowing past me to show off.I may be wrong,but what I think.

havenā€™t we covered this kind of topic a whole bunch of times on here?

iā€™m just sayin

Not doubting you beat him, just saying :wink: I tend to wind out gears ESPECIALLY coming out of the booths, and Iā€™m known to be a bit of an ass to everyone ā€œtrying to mergeā€. Iā€™m sure he was probably thinking youā€™re some dumb redneck or something and you got the jump on him and pissed him off :wink:

oh the stereotypes.




I know when I get my ass handed to me by stock luminas to the merge before my street, I get quite angry. Infact my head just blows clear off my shoulders. True story.