This was originally slowmarros I traded some other firearms to BamBauer for it. Nice rifle, but I’m really more of an AR guy so up for sale it goes. It has a nice composite stock comes with 4 mags 3 10 rounders and 1 5, also included is 140 rounds of ammo and a nice carry bag. I see these for 600 with wood furniture at the local stores so I’m asking 600 for everything.
Jason micare was looking for one(jammer on he forums here)
Thanks I’ll send him a PM with my phone number. Don’t know how active a member his is on here anymore.
Haha…i miss this gun. Sold it to slow awhile back
want to work out some sort of trade back? I’m still interested in that MP15-22 you have listed.
Eh, honestly I’m trying to slim the arsenal down some lol. I still have the m&p, have a guy here I’m deployed with that’s interested, but let me know if you can do it, I’ll give you first whack at it.
Ok I’m in the same boat pretty much, my storage capacity has been reached so this rifle has to go before I can buy another one.
I’ll call Micare about this tomorrow.
Ok thanks. Any idea when I can bring you that upper for welding? I can drop it off and leave it with you if that would be easier.
Anytime if fine by me. Leaving it would be ideal yes. Where do you live?
right now I’m staying at my parents in delmar till I can find an apartment that allows a 110 lb GSD. :banghead
had some trade offers and a low ball offer but the rifle is still available.
pm sent
I looked this rifle over yesterday. It’s well worth the asking price in every way.
I told u fools that lol , someone better get it as Obama got another term !!! Merica gona go to shit now
Actually I think I’m going to keep it for now. I don’t need the money. So unless Jammer wants it for the asking price and picks it up from Adam back in the cabinet it goes.
- an M&P 15-22
Possibly I’m actually more interested in the pistol. I already have 1 15-22 that is the wifes. Not that your price isn’t unreasonable, but it isn’t so cheap that I can’t say no. package deal?