watch out aaron



Ok it stopped.


There. Now can we move on to another topic? :E

Move on? Even when you are still losing? :lol:

WTF? Who deleted my fucking posts? If you guys are going to whore up the forums, it’s only fair that I do! :E

I call photoshop. If I knew how to take screen shots on this old Mac I’d prove you wrong!

You’ll never win when trying to out-whore admins. :E

I’m catching up.

Almost there.

Only because my repeated requests for admin status go largely ignored.

Photoshop my ass. No wait, it’s best if you probably don’t. :E

Hmmm… to beat Kris I can either delete more of his posts… or post more myself… i cant decide.

You’ll never defeat a guy with no job, Dave. I can do this all day long. Isn’t there like…NEWS or something going on? :smiley:

Stop replying. I’ll never make up ground on you. See to be an admin you have to be responsible on the forum. Like I am being right now. :partyman:

I forgot to mention, this is pretty hilarious. :smiley:

Bah, the news can wait!

Ohhh…responsilbility is required? What is that again, not really familiar. I probably could have learned it, but I hear now they won’t let me out past 1AM in Strathcona county to do it. :smiley:

Kris, this is your first warning. Keep whoring and I’m going to have to BAN you.

I guess the big news is that we’re post whoring the forum to death. Can’t wait to see the front page of the next Sherwood Park news. “LETHAL TAKEOVER BID BY 2 MANIACS ON NECC FORUM” :E