(Watches) Coolest Movado EVAR!

I am still waiting for answers joe. Anyhow the watch i want is an ORIS and thinking of grabbing an Omega as well. Where will i find the best prices?

First off, stylistically the movado is influenced by the Hublot.

Second and finally, I’m sorry you don’t have style :wink: But seriously, 36mm is like wearing a quarter on your wrist.

If you can’t find an omega you want on timezone or watchuseek then I’d just call around to some AD’s and see who will give you the best deal.

For an ORIS you might want to check out http://www.worldlux.com/cgi-bin/navigate.cgi?dept=watch&brand=ORIS I’ve spoken with them several times about a Rose Gold Alpina and their pricing is EXTREMELY good compared to list.

Sorry… I’m not all about automatics one way or the other. Never have been, probably never will be. I like the way certain watches look, and just as importantly, how they fit. Some watches look cool and fit you like SHIT.

Dont get me wrong, if I won the lottery I would probably by the FREAK by Ulisse Nardin that was posted earlier, but only because I think the design is very, very cool. I wouldnt give a shit if it was quartz though!

It’s the movement that makes the design special. Without the mechanics behind that watch it’s just another accessory.

I like the Panerais but they are simply too hot and the price is rocketing on them. Nothing special about the movements or materials at all, its just a great look and not worth 4k for a super basic watch. Instead I bought an homage made by an independent watchmaker with a genuine ETA/Unitas 6497:


I mostly wear my B&R nowadays…


Thats like saying you would drive your viper and not care if it was 100hp!!!

I dont see it in the example you made… but who cares.

You and I obviously have very different taste. If this was any larger than 36mm, I would NOT have bought it. In fact, I have sold off some very cool watches in the past because I thought they looked too big and goofy.

I only have one place in my collection for a 40+mm watch:


As cool as a freak is - I’d rather pay off my mortgage for my condo than wear it around my wrist.

Aside from this fact movados are way to simple and have very little elegance to them. I would take 1 panerai over 4 movados any day simply because the movados have no character. OMG a dot at 12!!!

lol, hardly. a 1000hp car can do something a 100hp car cant. an automatic watch Vs. a quartz watch… all in the methods, not in the results. I personally dont care one way or the other.


Thats your opinion, and your entitled to it. personally, I think many of the watches you guys think are “cool” are way to busy and ugly as sin. But thats MY opnion.

blah, blah, blah… I have respect for the methods and the work that goes into it. I dont see a problem with $100,000 watches, regardless of the movement they use.

But I, wont buy it if its ugly as fuck. Sorry.

HAHA im just messing with you.

Ive never been a big Movado fan. The c/f is a nice touch, on the face, but Id have to agree with the others that the band is a bit much.

Persoanlly Ill take my automatic Tag Chrono over a Movado anyday, but thats just me.

Anyway, nice watch for a Movado fan :slight_smile:
